The 18 Universal Laws of Manifestation – The Need To Know
Published on:April 28, 2023

Manifestation is the art of bringing your desires and dreams to life through focused intention and energy. The universe is abundant, and we have the power to attract what we desire into our lives through the 18 universal laws of manifestation. In this blog post, we will explore what these laws are and how to use them in your daily life.

Why The Law of Attraction Isn’t Enough

The Law of Attraction is often considered the most famous and commonly known law of manifestation. Almost like manifestation and the law of attraction is the same thing. But that is not true. While the Law of Attraction is a powerful tool for manifestation, it is not the only law that comes into play.

The reason why the Law of Attraction alone is not enough for manifestation is that it’s just one aspect of the larger set of 18 universal laws of manifestation. While focusing on attracting the same energies as the things we desire is important, we must also take aligned action towards our goals, have unwavering faith, consider karma & purpose, and align with the natural flow of the universe.

In addition, the Law of Attraction can sometimes be misinterpreted as simply wishing for something and waiting for it to magically appear. However, manifestation requires a deeper level of intention, focus, and action. Moreover, we must also let go of any limiting beliefs or resistance that may be holding us back.

Therefore, it’s important to understand and use all 18 universal laws of manifestation in conjunction with the Law of Attraction to achieve our desired outcomes. By doing so, we can create a powerful and harmonious combination of energies that work together to bring our dreams to life.

The 18 Universal Laws of Manifestation

1. Law of Attraction

The Law of Attraction (Law of Magnetism) states that like attracts like. This law states that similar energies and vibrations attract each other, much like the way magnets attract metallic objects. Essentially, everything in the Universe operates as a magnet, drawing towards itself energies that are in alignment with its frequency. To use this law in your daily life, focus on what you want to manifest and use affirmations and visualization techniques to attract it.

2. Law of Divine Oneness

The Law of Divine Oneness is another fundamental law of manifestation. This law asserts that everything in the Universe is interconnected and that we are all one, originating from the same divine source. Essentially, there is no separation between you and the world around you – you are a part of it and it is a part of you. This law suggests that every action and thought that we put out into the world has an impact on the collective consciousness of humanity and nature. We are all responsible for co-creating the world we live in and the reality we experience. Therefore, by understanding and embodying the Law of Divine Oneness, we can recognize the interconnectedness of all things and work towards creating a more positive and harmonious reality for all.

It’s also important to note that the Law of Divine Oneness supports the idea that we are always connected with Source or the divine energy that underlies all creation. This connection provides us with access to unlimited potential and creative power. By aligning with this source energy, we can tap into our own innate power and manifest our desires more easily and effectively.

Treat others with kindness and respect, because what you pour into others cups, will ultimately pour into yours. Remember that your subconscious mind does not differentiate between yourself and others. That means that if you are talking bad about your neighbor, the subconscious will understand that as negativity towards yourself. Period.

3. Law of Karma (Cause & Effect)

The Law of Karma, also known as the Law of Cause & Effect, is another essential law of manifestation. This law suggests that every action we take, decision we make, and thought we have creates a ripple effect that reverberates throughout the Universe. Essentially, every cause has an effect and every effect has a cause.

According to the Law of Karma, we are responsible for the outcomes and circumstances we experience in our lives. What we put out into the Universe – whether it’s positive or negative – will come back to us in some form or another. In other words, the energy we emit is reflected back to us through our experiences, relationships, and circumstances.

This law also emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for our actions and decisions, as they create the results we get in life. By cultivating positive habits and behaviors, we can attract positive experiences and outcomes into our lives. Likewise, by releasing negative patterns and limiting beliefs, we can open ourselves up to greater abundance and fulfillment.

4. Law of Aligned Action

The Law of Action emphasizes the importance of taking physical action in order to bring our desires into fruition. This law suggests that while our thoughts and emotions play a vital role in the manifestation process, they must be accompanied by physical action in order to create tangible results in the physical world.

However, the Law of Action also states that the energy in which we take action is just as important as the action itself. The energy that we bring to our actions determines the outcome of our efforts. For instance, if we take action from a place of fear or lack, we may attract unwanted outcomes or experience resistance in achieving our desired results. On the other hand, when we take action from a place of love, abundance, and gratitude, we open ourselves up to positive outcomes and opportunities.

It’s important to note that the Law of Action is not just about taking any action, but about taking inspired action that aligns with our desires and values. This means taking action that feels authentic and in alignment with our true higher selves, rather than simply going through the motions or taking action for the sake of taking action. By taking inspired action, we can tap into our own innate creativity and intuition, and manifest our dreams with greater ease and flow.

Now I get it, not all things feels good to do in the moment, but doing them anyway knowing that it will make you feel good after, is the pure essence of aligned action.

5. Law of Transmutation

The Law of Transmutation describes how energy is constantly in motion, being transmuted from one form into another. This means that everything in the Universe is made up of energy, including our thoughts and emotions, which can be transmuted into physical matter in the manifestation process.

Higher frequency energies, such as love, joy, and gratitude, have more power over lower frequencies, such as fear, anger, and doubt. By focusing on higher frequency energies and cultivating positive thoughts and emotions, we can transmute lower frequency energies and attract more higher energy outcomes into our lives.

In essence, the Law of Transmutation is the basis of energy turning into matter (and back into energy) in the manifestation process. By understanding and applying this law, we can harness the power of our thoughts and emotions to create the life we truly want to live.

6. Law of Vibration

The Law of Vibration is a fundamental law of manifestation that describes how everything in the Universe exists as a vibration and is always vibrating at a certain frequency. This law suggests that our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions, and actions all emit energetic vibrations that attract similar vibrations back to us.

According to the Law of Vibration, in order to manifest something, we must become an energetic match to the frequency of that thing, experience, opportunity, person, or life. This means that if we want to attract abundance, love, or success into our lives, we must first align our energy with the vibration of those things.

One of the key principles of the Law of Vibration is that like attracts like. This means that the vibrations we emit through our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, emotions, and actions will energetically match to a reality in which those vibrations exist. By consciously choosing to align our energy with the vibration of our desires, we can attract those desires into our lives and manifest our dreams into reality. This doesn’t mean that you have to constantly be happy, because we’re still souls in human forms having human experiences (which includes all emotions). But it is about already being abundant and happy before you’ve even gotten what you desire, because the desire is already abundant.

7. Law of Mirrors (Correspondence)

The Law of Mirrors, also known as the Law of Correspondence, states that everything in our external reality is a reflection of what is going on inside of us. This means that the people, circumstances, and events we experience are all mirrors of our own internal reality. By having awareness of the patterns we attract and the feelings and sensations we experience, we can connect with what is going on internally within us.

According to the Law of Mirrors, the physical plane is a mirror of the energetic plane, which exists in the quantum field of infinite possibilities. This means that our external reality is a reflection of our internal reality and that our thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions all play a role in shaping our experiences.

By understanding and applying the Law of Mirrors, we can take responsibility for our own reality and use it as a tool for growth and self-awareness. Instead of blaming others or external circumstances for our problems, we can use the reflections in our external reality as opportunities to gain insight into our own internal landscape and more easily make changes in our lives.

8. Law of Compensation

The Law of Compensation, also known as the Law of Abundance, is similar to the Law of Cause & Effect, but specifically applies to money, prosperity, and blessings. According to this law, we are financially rewarded based on the energy that we put out into the world. Our compensation is in direct proportion to our contribution and the service we provide.

In other words, the more we give, the more we receive. When we take care of other souls, we create a positive ripple effect that ultimately leads to our own prosperity. This can be seen in the success of many businesses and individuals who have made it their mission to serve others and create value in the world. This law is why overdelivering is always a good idea, and why underdelivering almost never pays off.

The Law of Compensation also emphasizes the importance of gratitude and abundance mindset. By focusing on abundance rather than scarcity, we attract more prosperity into our lives. When we are grateful for what we have, we open ourselves up to receive even more abundance and blessings from the universe.

9. Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity states that each soul incarnates with certain lessons to master in each lifetime. These lessons can be viewed as challenges or as opportunities, depending on how we choose to perceive them. They were chosen by us before incarnation to strengthen us, release past wounds that we have not yet resolved, and teach us spiritual lessons for our soul expansion.

This law emphasizes the importance of perspective. Nothing has meaning except for the meaning that we give it. When we view challenges as opportunities for growth and expansion, we can transform them into blessings. By shifting our perspective, we can change the way we experience reality and open ourselves up to new possibilities.

The Law of Relativity also reminds us that we are all on our own unique journey, and that comparison to others is futile. We cannot truly understand someone else’s journey, as we are not living their life or experiencing their lessons. Instead of comparing ourselves to others, we can focus on our own growth and development. By doing so, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the universe.

10. Law of Balance

The Law of Balance, also known as the Law of the Masculine & Feminine, emphasizes the importance of balance between the masculine and feminine energies within us. The masculine energy is often associated with logic, rationality, and assertiveness, while the feminine energy is associated with intuition, nurturing, and receptivity. Both energies are equally important in manifesting our dreams and desires, and it is important to find a balance between the two.

When we are too focused on the masculine energy, we may become overly controlling or pushy, which can lead to burnout or a lack of fulfillment. On the other hand, when we are too focused on the feminine energy, we may become passive or indecisive, which can lead to a lack of progress or achievement. Finding a balance between the two energies allows us to take aligned action while staying in flow and trusting the process.

The Law of Balance also applies to our relationships and interactions with others. When we approach others with a balanced energy, we are more likely to build healthy and harmonious relationships. By recognizing and honoring the masculine and feminine energies within ourselves and others, we can create a more loving and compassionate world.

11. Law of Polarity

The Law of Polarity states that everything has a polar opposite. It cannot be light without darkness, or happiness without sadness. It also teaches us that every challenge holds within it an opportunity for growth and expansion. In the face of adversity, we can choose to view it as an opportunity to strengthen our resilience and deepen our wisdom. By embracing the contrast, we can use it as a catalyst for good change in our lives.

Furthermore, the Law of Polarity reminds us that there is no such thing as an absolute “good” or “bad” situation, as every experience holds within it both positive and negative aspects. It is our perception and interpretation of the situation that determines whether we view it as good or bad. By shifting our perspective and choosing to focus on the positive aspects, we can shift our energy and attract more positive experiences into our lives.

Overall, the Law of Polarity teaches us to embrace all aspects of the human experience and to view challenges as opportunities for growth and expansion. By shifting our perspective and focusing on the positive aspects, we can attract more positive experiences into our lives and manifest our dream reality.

12. Law of Rhythm

The Law of Rhythm, also commonly known as the Law of Patterns, states that everything in the Universe has a natural rhythm and follows in a cycle. These cycles are present in nature, seasons, the tides, and the cycles of the moon & earth. Also the female body follows a monthly cycle. Our own lives follow a rhythm, and understanding this rhythm can help us to navigate our lives with more ease and grace.

As we move through different seasons of our lives, we may find ourselves experiencing different energies and emotions. Sometimes we may feel stuck or stagnant, while at other times we may feel inspired and motivated. Understanding the rhythm of our lives allows us to flow with these energies and make the most of each season.

As with the Law of Mirrors, this law also applies to patterns that we experience in our lives. Everything that we experience in our external reality is a reflection of our internal reality. By observing the patterns in our lives, we can gain insight into our internal conflicts and align ourselves with the natural rhythm of our lives. When we understand the Law of Rhythm, we can work with it instead of against it and create a more fulfilling and joyful life.

13. Law of Reciprocity (Ayni)

The Law of Reciprocity, also known as Ayni, is based on the principle of energetic exchange. What we give out to the Universe, whether it be positive or negative, will eventually be returned to us in some form or another. Therefore, it’s important to be mindful of our thoughts, words, and actions, as they have a direct impact on our experiences.

This law specifically emphasizes the importance of balance in giving and receiving. When we give with an open heart and without ANY expectation, we create space for abundance to flow into our lives. At the same time, we must also be willing to receive the gifts and blessings that come our way, as this allows the cycle of giving and receiving to continue.

By practicing the Law of Reciprocity, we can cultivate a deeper sense of gratitude, abundance, and interconnectedness with the world around us. We can also experience greater levels of joy and fulfillment in our lives, as we learn to give and receive with an open heart and a spirit of generosity.

14. Law of Dharma (Purpose)

The Law of Dharma, also known as the Law of Purpose, suggests that each of us has a unique purpose or mission in life. This purpose is not necessarily something that we need to discover, but rather something that we need to remember or uncover. When we align with our purpose, we experience a deep sense of fulfillment and meaning in our lives.

The Law of Dharma also suggests that our purpose is not just about achieving personal success, but about serving the greater good. We are all interconnected, and our purpose is connected to the collective evolution of humanity. When we serve the greater good with our unique talents and gifts, we contribute to the upliftment and evolution of all beings.

Living our purpose requires courage, trust, and faith in the Universe. We must be willing to take risks, to step outside our comfort zone, and to trust that everything is working out for our highest good. When we align with our purpose, we enter into a state of flow and synchronicity, and the Universe conspires to support us in miraculous ways.

15. Law of Infinite Possibilities

Infinite possibilities always exist no matter the circumstances. We are infinite potential existing in an infinite reality existing in an infinite multiverse. There are infinite timelines and quantum fields that we are experiencing both individually and collectively. The Law of Infinite Possibilities emphasizes that any reality is possible, so it matters which one we are choosing to experience. This law also explains why miracles happen.

16. Law of Unwavering Faith

The Law of Unwavering Faith is about trusting in the power of the Universe to bring your desires into manifestation, even when the circumstances may seem challenging. It requires complete surrender and trust in the process, and the willingness to let go of any doubt or fear that may arise. This law emphasizes the importance of staying focused on the end goal, rather than getting distracted by temporary setbacks or obstacles. By maintaining a strong belief in the outcome, you are able to attract the necessary resources and opportunities to bring it into fruition. Remember, faith is the bridge that connects the visible and invisible realms, and the key to unlocking infinite possibilities. Giving up on your dreams is never an option, only re-alignment if necessary.

17. Law of Constant Motion

The Universe is constantly in motion and constantly changing. Manifestation works 24/7, and you cannot stop it, nor force it. In addition, the Law of Constant Motion explains that when we gain momentum with something, it gets easier and easier because this law assists us in moving forward. When we embark on a new journey, the path erases behind us because what was once the past has already moved from our consciousness. Also the law explains why results sky-rocket once we hit the “tipping point” in manifestation – where our external reality catches up to our internal reality.

18. Law of Free Will

The Law of Free Will states that we have complete autonomy over our lives and the ability to make our own choices without external influence. It is the power to make choices that create our reality and shape our destiny. While there may be consequences to our choices, we are ultimately responsible for the outcome of our decisions. There is no predetermined path for us, and we have the freedom to choose our own path, as long as it aligns with our values and purpose. Our choices have the power to shape our lives and the world around us, and it is up to us to exercise our free will wisely. This law also explains that we cannot make decisions for others either. They have their own free will too. Making decisions for others are only projecting our Ego onto someone else.

To use these 18 universal laws of manifestation in your daily life, start by setting clear intentions for what you want to manifest. Take inspired action towards your goals, knowing that the universe will respond to your efforts. Trust in the universe’s divine timing and let go of any attachment or resistance. Cultivate a mindset of infinite possibility, abundance and let go of limiting beliefs that hold you back.

Treat others with kindness and respect, knowing that we are all connected through the Source. Align with the natural flow of the universe and work to create harmony in your life.

The 18 universal laws of manifestation are powerful tools that can help you manifest your desires and create the life you truly want. By understanding and using these laws in your daily life, you can attract abundance, joy, and fulfillment into your life.