The Ultimate 2023 Beginners Guide To Start With Crystals
Published on:April 28, 2023

Have you ever held a crystal in your hand and felt its energy pulsating through your body, filling you with a sense of calm and clarity? Or are you just clueless on where to start, but yet curious on how they can be beneficial to your daily life? Let us dive into that in this 2023 beginners guide to crystals.

Crystals are ancient, beautiful and powerful tools that have been used for thousands of years by various cultures and traditions all around the world. They are highly valuable for their unique properties, including their ability to conduct and amplify energy, and their ability to interact with our own energy fields. Crystals are commonly used for healing, meditation, divination, and protection, as well as for enhancing physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about crystals, from their types, properties, and meanings, to how to clean, activate, store, and use them in your daily life.

Types of crystals

There are hundreds of types of crystals, each with its unique properties, colors, shapes, and sizes. Here are some of the most popular and widely used crystals:

Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is the most versatile and powerful crystal. We know it for its ability to amplify energy, clear negativity, and enhance intuition and spiritual connection.


Amethyst is a purple stone that is highly prized for its calming and healing properties. It is also known for its ability to enhance intuition and psychic abilities.

Rose quartz

Rose Quartz is a pink stone that is known for its ability to attract love. It will also promote self-love and heal emotional wounds.


Citrine is a yellow stone that we associate with abundance, joy, and positivity. It is also known to enhance creativity, success and manifestation.

Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline is a protective stone known for its ability to absorb negative energy. We also associate the stone with its ability to protect against electromagnetic radiation.


Selenite is a white or clear stone that we associate with spiritual connection, clarity, and purification. You can also use selenite to enhance communication and intuition.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli is a blue stone that we know for its wisdom, truth, and spiritual connection. It will also enhance mental clarity and creativity.


Hematite is a grounding stone and we associate it balancing and stabilizing energy. It is also known to enhance focus and concentration.


Turquoise is a blue-green stone. We can associate the turquoise with protection, communication, and healing, as well as with enhancing intuition and spiritual connection.


Moonstone is a white or milky stone that is associated with femininity, intuition, and emotional healing. We can use a moonstone to enhance fertility, creativity and spiritual connection.


A part from being Norway’s national rock, the labradorite is also a mystical stone. It is often used to enhance spiritual connection and psychic abilities. We also know labradorite to promote creativity and imagination, and provide protection against negative energy.


Fluorite is a stone of clarity and focus. We use it to enhance mental clarity and concentration, promote spiritual growth, and provide protection against negative energy.


Carnelian is stone of motivation and creativity that we use to enhance self-confidence, vitality, and passion for life.

How to choose your crystals: Tumbled or raw?

When you pick crystals, you will notice that some of them are in its raw nature form – how you actually find them in nature. In contrast, some will be tumbled so that they will get a more smooth shape or form to it. You can even get crystals in different shapes like hearts, spheres, pyramids, towers and more.

The abilities of a crystal do not necessarily differ between raw or tumbled forms, as the crystal’s energy and properties remain the same. However, the energy of a raw crystal may feel more potent and intense, while the energy of a tumbled crystal may feel more gentle and easier to work with.


Raw crystals are believed to have a stronger energy because they are in their natural, unaltered state, and have not been shaped or polished. Their irregular shapes and rough surfaces may also enhance their energy, making them more effective for certain purposes, such as grounding or protection.


Tumbled crystals, on the other hand, are polished and shaped into a smoother, more uniform shape, which can make them easier to work with for certain purposes, such as crystal grids or jewelry making. Tumbled crystals also have a smoother surface. In many ways they can be more comfortable to hold or carry with you throughout the day.


When it comes to different shapes of crystals, here are some general guidelines:

Crystal points are a common shape and are often used to direct and focus energy. We use them for manifestation, clarity, and connection to higher consciousness.

Spheres are believed to have a harmonizing energy that can promote balance and alignment. They are often used for meditation, scrying, and divination.

Pyramids are believed to have a powerful energy that can help with manifestation, focus, and spiritual growth. They are often used for meditation and enhancing energy flow.

Crystal hearts are often associated with love, compassion, and emotional healing. We use them to promote self-love and healing of the heart chakra.

Crystal clusters are a group of crystals that have grown together, often in a natural, irregular shape. They are believed to have a strong energy and can be effective for cleansing and energizing a space.

Wands are long, thin crystals that are often used for directing and focusing energy. We believe in them to be effective for manifestation, healing, and energy work.

Ultimately, the choice between raw, tumbled or shaped crystals comes down to personal preference and the intended use of the crystal. It is important to choose the form that resonates with you. It needs to feel the most appropriate for your individual needs and intentions.

Choosing the right crystal for you

Choosing the right crystals can be a personal and intuitive process, as different stones resonate with different people and their specific needs. Here are some tips to help you pick the crystals that you think you might need:

  1. Before choosing a crystal, set an intention for what you want to manifest or what you need support with. This will help guide you in choosing the right stones for your specific needs.
  2. Tune into your intuition: Take a moment to quiet your mind and tune into your intuition. Focus on your breath and allow yourself to feel drawn to certain crystals. Trust your instincts and choose the stones that resonate with you.
  3. Research the properties and meanings of different crystals. This way you can better understand their energetic properties and how they can support you in your intentions. Look for crystals that have properties that align with your needs and intentions.
  4. Hold the crystal in your hand and pay attention to how it feel, its weight, texture, and temperature. Use your senses to connect with the energy of the stone. Choose the ones that feel most aligned with your needs.
  5. If you’re unsure which crystals to choose, seek guidance from a crystal expert or healer. They can provide insights and recommendations based on your specific needs and intentions.

Remember that the most important thing is to trust your intuition and choose the crystals that feel right for you. With time and practice, you’ll develop a deeper understanding of the properties and meanings of different crystals, and how they can support you in your spiritual and healing journey.

How to clean your crystals

Before using your crystals, it is important to clean them to remove any negative or stagnant energy they may have picked up.


Hold your crystals under running water for a few minutes, or soak them in a bowl of water with sea salt for several hours. Dry thoroughly. Be sure to use non-porous stones, as some stones like selenite and calcite can dissolve in water for too long, while others like the pyrite can rust due to its higher contents of metals.


Both the sacred plants Palo Santo and sage is popular tools for cleaning crystals. In this blog post we will be focusing on sage (smudging) as it is the most common tool for cleansing. But by clicking the link HERE you’ll able to find a more comprehensive guide on both Palo Santo and sage

Sage, also known as white sage, is a plant that is native to North America. It and has been used by indigenous people for centuries for its cleansing and healing properties. Sage is believed to have a strong, purifying energy that can clear negative energy and promote spiritual growth. We typically burn it as a bundle, or smudge stick. The smoke will cleanse the energy of a space, object, or person.

To sage your crystals, light a sage bundle/stick. Let it burn for around 30 seconds before you blow out the fire. Then the sage stick will only glow and smoke. Make sure you open windows and doors in your home to get a good air flow in. That way the smoke and negative energy can leave your home and the crystals. Hold the crystals in the smoke for up to a minute. You can also place the crystals on a heat-resistant surface (like a ceramic bowl or an abalone shell) and wave the smoke over them. Be sure to use caution when working with fire. After saging, simply tap and press the sage into your bowl or shell to put out the smoke.

Use the sun and the moon

Using the sun and moon to clean crystals is two effective methods because both the sun and the moon emit powerful energy that can help to clear and balance the energy of your crystals. The sun’s energy is warm and vibrant, while the moon’s energy is cool and calming. These energies can help to release any stagnant or negative energy that your crystals may have absorbed and infuse them with positive, healing energy.

Additionally, the sun and moon are natural sources of energy, free from any negative or artificial influences. This makes them an ideal method for cleansing and charging your crystals, as they provide a pure and natural source of energy that can help to restore balance and harmony to your crystals.

Furthermore, using the sun and moon to cleanse crystals is a simple and accessible method that can be done by anyone, regardless of their level of experience or expertise.

Place your crystals in direct sunlight or moonlight for several hours to recharge and purify them. Be careful not to leave certain stones in direct sunlight for long periods, as they may fade or crack.

Some crystals like amethyst, citrine, fluorite, smoky quarts and rose quarts can fade a little in color of the bright sun.

Sound therapy

Sound healing instruments such as singing bowls or bells to clear the energy of your crystals. Choose a singing bowl that resonates with you and your intention for cleansing your crystals. You can use any type of singing bowl, but those made of quartz crystal are particularly effective. Place your crystals around the singing bowl, and use a mallet or striker to gently strike the singing bowl, creating a clear, resonant tone. You can also use a circular motion to create a sustained vibration.

As the singing bowl vibrates, focus your intention on cleansing and clearing the energy of your crystals. Visualize any stagnant or negative energy being released and replaced with positive, healing energy. Allow the sound and vibration to permeate your crystals and clear their energy. When you’re done, take a moment to express gratitude for the cleansing and healing energy that the singing bowl is providing.

Earth your crystals

Bury your crystals in the earth for several hours or overnight to ground and purify them. Make sure that you have chosen a dry spot as some crystals and stones dissolve or rust in water. Use a brush to brush off any excess dirt. You can also use some water to clean them if the stones allow it. Dry thoroughly.

How to activate your crystals

Activating your crystals (after the cleansing) involves setting your intention for them and programming them with the desired energy. Here are some steps to activate your crystals:

  1. Find a quiet space where you can focus your energy and intention on your crystals.
  2. Hold your crystals in your hands and close your eyes.
  3. Take a few deep breaths and say out loud: “I will use this crystals and stones for the highest good for all beings. Thank you, thank you, thank you.”
  4. Now visualize your intention for your crystals, such as healing, protection, manifestation, or enhancing intuition.
  5. Speak your intention aloud or silently to yourself, and feel the energy of your intention flowing into your crystals. If you have different intention for different crystals, simply do an intention setting separately and individually for each stone.
  6. Repeat this process regularly, especially when you feel your crystals need a boost of energy or if you are using them for a specific purpose.

how to actually use crystals?

Carry them with you

One of the easiest ways to use crystals is to carry them with you throughout the day. You can place them in your pocket, wear them as jewelry, or simply hold them in your hand. This can help you stay connected to the energy of the crystal and receive its healing properties.


It is believed that crystals have healing properties that can promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Each crystal has its unique energy and we use them to address specific challenges. For example, we use amethyst to promote relaxation and stress relief, moonstone promotes fertility and rose quartz promotes self-love and emotional healing.

To use crystals for healing, you can place them on the body in specific areas, wear them as jewelry, or carry them with you throughout the day. Before you go to sleep or right after you wake up, place the crystals with the properties you need, take a few deep breath and focus on the intention behind your healing. Some people even like to sleep with their crystal under the pillow.

Place them with intention

Placing crystals in your home or workspace can help to cleanse and energize the space, promote healing, balance and positivity, and in general bring in the desired energy of the crystal. You can place them on your desk, on a windowsill, or in a specific room or area of your home.

Choose a location that feels intuitively right for your crystal and its power, such as near a window, on a table, or in a specific room. Consider the energy and purpose of the room when choosing which crystals to place there. For example, you may want to place calming stones like amethyst or rose quartz in the bedroom, or protective stones like black tourmaline near electronic devices. Use clusters of crystals or crystal grids to amplify their energy and create a specific intention, such as manifesting abundance or promoting self-love.

Remember to rotate your crystals regularly to keep the energy flowing and prevent stagnation. Remember to consider direct sunlight or humidity as some crystals might decay because of it.


Using crystals for meditation can help deepen your practice, enhance your focus, and promote spiritual connection. Here are some tips for using crystals for meditation:

  1. Choose a crystal that resonates with your intention or purpose for your meditation.
  2. Hold your crystal in your hand or place it near you during your meditation.
  3. Focus your attention on your crystal and visualize its energy flowing into your body and mind.
  4. Use breathwork or mantra meditation to enhance the energy of your crystal and promote relaxation and inner peace.
  5. Journal your experiences after your meditation to reflect on the energy and messages you received from your crystal.

How to store your crystals

Apart from wearing them or placing them around your house and workplace, properly storing your crystals can help maintain their energy and protect them from damage.

  • Keep your crystals in a safe and secure place for longer periods of time by storing them away from direct sunlight, heat, and moisture.
  • Use a designated crystal storage box or pouch to keep your crystals organized and protected.
  • Avoid storing different types of crystals together, as some stones may scratch or damage others.
  • Consider using natural materials, such as wood or linen, to store your crystals, as they can help maintain the energy of the stones. Natural fabrics are also more sustainable and aligned with the nature of the crystals.

Where to buy crystals?

When it comes to buying crystals, it’s important to find a reputable source to ensure that you are getting high-quality, authentic stones. Here are some tips for safely buying crystals:

  • Shop at reputable online or brick-and-mortar stores that specialize in crystals and gemstones. Look for stores that have a good reputation, positive reviews, and transparent sustainable sourcing policies.
  • Be wary of overly cheap prices, as this may indicate that the stones are low quality or fake. It’s better to pay more for high quality stones if you can, than only buying low quality ones.
  • If you’re buying online, make sure the website has clear photos and descriptions of the crystals, and provides information about the origin and properties of the stones.
  • Check for authenticity certificates or ask the seller for more information about the source and authenticity of the crystals.
  • If you’re buying in person, inspect the stones carefully for any signs of damage or tampering, and ask the seller any questions you may have about the stones.
  • If you’re unsure about the authenticity or quality of a crystal, consider consulting with a crystal expert or gemologist.

In conclusion, crystals are powerful tools that can enhance our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual well-being. By understanding their properties, meanings, and how to use them, we can tap into their energy and harness their power for healing, protection, manifestation, and spiritual growth. Remember to always cleanse, activate, store, and use your crystals with intention and care, and enjoy the beauty and energy they bring to your life.